It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Since I don’t have any finished books I can blog about, I thought I’d just participate in this lovely meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

I’ve been steadily reading around three books at a time for the past couple of weeks.  While I really enjoy this multi-book combination, it means I don’t finish books as quickly as when I read them one at a time.  Nonetheless, I’m enjoying what I’ve been reading immensely.

Currently, I’m a little over halfway through Gone With the Wind for the August book club discussion.  It’s my second time through the sweeping epic and I’m surprised how little of it I remember.  The history of the story is what seems to be drawing me the most this time through.  I’m constantly googling for images and such from the Civil War, especially in regards to Atlanta.  So much fun to read about my city 150+ years ago.

The second book I’ve got going is The Scarlet Letter, also a reread.  Haven’t read this one since junior year of high school, roughly 11-12 years ago.  Loving it so far and really think my reading pace of around a chapter a day is perfect to fully wrap my mind around the story and Hawthorne’s rich, layered writing.  I consider Hawthorne an early adopter of the genre novel with all his supernatural plot elements!

And finally, I’m about to start North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell as I prepare to participate in the Read-A-Long hosted by Andi and Heather.  Can’t wait to experience my second Gaskell novel!

That’s three classics at once!!  Plus, I’m juggling being a bit Olympics obsessed which is eating up a lot of my reading time.  Nothing to complain about though!  Looking forward to my week of reading and hope everyone else is reading amazing books that they love!

12 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I read Gone With The Wind years ago and loved it. I’m reading The Scarlet Letter just now too. Although this is my first reading but I am enjoying it. Good luck with your three classics at once.

  2. I’ve never read North & South, but The Scarlet Letter and Gone With the Wind are both amazing. Whenever I read books that have a lot of history in them I keep my phone close and end up looking things up on wikipedia non-stop 🙂

    Have a great week of reading!!

  3. I am reading Level 2, and listening to Wolf Hall. I hope to be finishing Wolf Hall soon, so I can get onto the audio version of Shadow of Night, which I have been waiting for for a really long time!! Happy reading to you~!

    • I’m jealous of your Wolf Hall audio! I also haven’t gotten around to reading A Discovery of Witches so can’t read Shadow of Night! I’m so behind, but hope you enjoy!

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