TSS: So Long, January

TSSbadge2Yes, January has quickly come and gone! What a fantastic reading month I had. Ten books total either red or listened to. A great way to start off the year and a wonderful way to get ahead on my Goodreads challenge of 52 books this year. I have noticed a slowing in my reading the past week or so – not sure why. I’ve just been busy, I suppose.

Jimmy is traveling for the forseeable future, so I’ve been filling my nights with some personal me-time activities. I’ve done such things as cook, read, clean, watch random tv/movies, and start a youtube vlog. Yes, you read that a correctly – a youtube vlog! I’m now vlogging and blogging about books. You can check out my January wrap-up video below. I’ve also posted a couple of other videos as well on my channel if you find yourself interested! Please forgive my appearance, bad lighting, and a tendency to ramble on ridiculously. Hopefully, I will one day feel comfortable in front of the camera, until then my videos will have an awkward feel to them. It’s been fun, nevertheless!

This weekend was fun. Yesterday, the Litwits had a little luncheon at a fabulous Atlanta restaurant, JCT Kitchen. Great conversation and yummy southern food. Last night I did some more furniture shopping, dinner at Fig Jam Bar (another yummy eatery), and we went to see Warm Bodies! I’ll have more to discuss in regards to this fun zombie romance later in the week when I review both the book and movie. Today is filled with chores, blogging, and hopefully some reading. I’m not really into the Super Bowl so that leaves me plenty of time for relaxing and lounging around the house.

This week I’m attending a book signing for John and Sherry’s book, Young House Love (also their blog). Home decor on a budget is one of my biggest hobbies and I love the YHL blog so very much. Y’all should definitely check it out if you haven’t. Now that I’m working again and can justify spending even the tiniest amount of money on decor, I’m looking forward to the continuation of turning my house into a home. My last find (from Home Goods!) was these awesome purple chevron pillows which I’ve thrown on my bed:


I hope y’all have a great Sunday!

10 thoughts on “TSS: So Long, January

  1. I loved Warm bodies too. I read it last year after a friend recommended it. I thought it was nicely quirky. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of the movie.

  2. Love love love your vlog!!! Yay! I need to figure out how to use the webcam on my work computer and start doing this again.

    Some good-looking books you have here. And I’m SO excited that you get to go to a signing with Young House Love! It’s one of my fave budget decor and house stuff blogs. I just bought a couple of pillow covers for my couch this morning. And there goes my budget for the month. lol

    • Yes, more vlogs! I hate the webcam on my computer. It uploads to youtube incorrectly so I just use my phone – a pretty decent camera but much harder to frame myself in without a tripod of some sort.

      I love YHL too!! They are awesome and pretty much live my dream life. And why are pillows so freakin’ expensive?

  3. My reading is super slow … I need to pick up the pace a bit I think. It took me 10 days to read my first book of the year and I’ve never really recovered after that.

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